













私は8/26頃にオランダに着き、アムステルダム空港に降り立ち、ハーグへ移動しました。20リットルザックとスーツケースを持っていたので、いち早くハーグに着いてゆっくりしたいと思いました。でも、寮は9/1からなので、Airbnbに泊まりました。 ハーグについて観光したり、携帯電話のSIMカードを作りました。ホストママが設定を手伝ってくれたりしてくれました。寮に入る前に、Airbnbだと一般のお宅にお泊りできるので、オランダの雰囲気も堪能できて楽しいです。めっちゃ親切ってわけではないけど普通に親切な方だったのでお勧めです。Airbnb_ Henske


  • SIMカードを買う
  • トラム(路面電車)に乗って、海に行ってみる
  • 近くのスーパーに行ってみる
  • ブリュッセルに日帰り旅行に行ってみる
  • 教会を見に行く
  • 在留許可証の申請(下記参照)



在留許可証(Residence permit)





Next step: providing the IND with your passport picture and fingerprint scans
The document that is your official proof of legal residence in the Netherlands is your Dutch residence permit card. Upon arrival in the Netherlands, you need make sure to collect your Dutch residence permit card within 90 days, because this is the maximum period you are allowed to stay in Netherlands and the Schengen area without a residence permit.
For issuing your residence permit, the IND needs your passport picture and fingerprint scans. Therefore, you should visit the IND front office as soon as possible upon arrival in the Netherlands, in order to provide them with a picture (which will be taken on the spot) and your biometrical details (fingerprint scans).
The address of the IND front office in The Hague is:
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Rijnstraat 8
2515 XP
The Hague
The opening hours are:
Mon to Fri: 9.00-16.00 hrs
Collecting your Dutch residence permit
After the IND receives your passport picture and fingerprint scans, they need about 4 to 6 weeks to issue your residence permit card. Once your permit is ready, you will receive a message from us with detailed information and further instructions for collecting your permit.



Residence Permit

You will be informed by the Admission Office when and where you can pick up your Residence Permit.



また、1年先に来ている先輩たちは、「Old batch」と呼ばれ、新しく入学した学生は は「New batch」と呼ばれます。なので、校内でも「Old batch」ですか?という会話をよくします。「Old batch」かと思ったら、若い教授だったこともありますw





Registration will start on Friday 1 September at ISSduring the weekend of 2 and 3 September we will also be here to welcome you and register you (NB: you do not need to bring your academic documents to The Netherlands). You will receive a copy of the Academic Calendar during your registration.


Orientation Programme

On Monday 4 September the Orientation Programme starts (not to be missed) with a lot of general information, class meetings, introduction to the library, walks through the neighbourhood, getting to know each other, getting to know the Dutch, IT services, information of the academic side of the MA programme (how to register for courses, introduction to the virtual learning environment CANVAS), the official opening of the academic year, a welcome party, a Day trip by bus (somewhere in the Netherlands) and much much more……

Classes start approximately 10 days later.






ISS has made a group appointment for you on September 14 in the morning in the Municipality/Town Hall of the Hague (if you’re not living in The Hague, you will have to make your own appointment)

you need to bring with you to the appointment on 14 September:

- copy of your rental contract. If you have made your own housing arrangement you need a written permission from your Landlord that you are allowed to register at his/her address ( see attachement ‘Form for Landlord’). Your Landlord must fill in the form, sign it and give you a copy of his/her passport)

-registration form (see attachement ‘registration Municipality den Haag’). Please complete and print this form; handwritten forms are not accepted! You can do this after you have arrived here at ISS.

-passport + copy of your passport ( the page with your personal details e.g. name and photo)

-letter from the IND, if applicable (you will receive this at ISS)


The municipality/Town Hall will supply you with a BSN number (Burgerservicenumber = social security number) by email, you need this number for official purposes.


NB: if you are staying in e.g. Airbnb accommodation, it is unfortunately not possible to register this address with the Municipality.


これもISSがアレンジしてくれて決まった時間にハーグにある銀行に行きます。ING bankというところで開きます。携帯電話番号がないと登録できないです。最初にオランダ着いたらまずは購入すると思いますが。

ING Netherlands introduces voice-based mobile payments | TweakTown

INGの英語サイト https://www.ing.nl/particulier/english/index.html

オランダを始めヨーロッパはカード社会です。現金はほぼ持ち歩かなくてもいいくらい。この銀行では、デビットカードを発行してもらいます。そこのアカウントに、オランダに渡航する前にISSに送金したお金も入れてくれます。アプリで友達に送金したりしても手数料がかからないので、ごはんを食べに行ったら、アプリを使って「5ユーロのpayment requestを送るから私に払ってね~」というやりとりができます。めっちゃ楽!日本はオンラインバンキングだと2重でパスワード入れたりしないといけないし、LINEモバイルとかも持っている友だちが少ないので、使えません。




ISS has made appointments for you with the ING Bank to open a bank account, starting in the introduction week (first week of September). You need to bring with you:

-          passport

-          Proof of address (see above ‘Municipality’)

-          Mobile phone with Dutch Sim Card (it is very easy to get a pre-paid Sim card in the Netherlands)

-          Letter from ISS (stating that you are an ISS MA student; to be prepared by us)


The ING Bank will give you a temporary Debit card with a Pin code (you can make a deposit if you wish) and Internet Banking log in codes.


People from a SEPA country (https://transferwise.com/help/article/1716080/euro-transfers/sepa-countries-and-ibans) do not need to open a Dutch bank account.



NFP/STUNED/WDS/Dreilinden scholarship holders as well as students who transferred the living expenses to the ISS: on Monday 4 September, you will receive a cash allowance of € 500 to cover your living expenses for the month of September. For those who rent a room in Dorus, Bazar, Gondelstraat and Buitenom: ISS will pay your first month’s rent. Once you have opened a bank account, ISS will pay the scholarship holders their monthly allowance from October onwards. Students who have transferred their living expenses will be reimbursed the remaining amount (details will follow once you have arrived).





Health Insurance

ISS will arrange a Health Insurance for you for the duration of the programme, with 1 September as starting date. The insurance document will be emailed to your ISS/EUR email address which will be activated  late August.

If you arrive in Europe before 1 September, you have to take out a travel insurance.

TB test

Appointments have been made for those who will have to do a TB test on September 14th  following your Municipality appointment (details will follow).




ISS welcome app

You can download the ‘ISS Welcome app’ in your app store.


